Well, as a software application for modeling pipe system flows and pressure drops you'll find it hard to beat. It can model both open loop and closed loop piping systems, with multiple supply tanks and discharge points, multiple pumps in parallel or pumps in series, and it comes with its own pipe database, fittings database and fluids database. And most important of all, it is easy to use, taking the pressure out of piping design, pipe flow calculations, and pipe pressure drop analysis.
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If your work involves designing or sizing pipe work, calculating pump head requirements or trying to find the flows and pressure losses throughout a pipe network then rest assured that we understand how difficult your job can be.
Not knowing the answer to a question asked by a client, or worse, giving the wrong answer can lose you a customer and put you and your company under pressure. However, now there is an easy way to calculate the flows and pressures in your pipe system- get Pipe Flow Expert.
Pipe Flow Expert has a robust and reliable calculation engine that "solves" your system according to the governing laws of flow continuity and energy conservation. The final flow and pressure results are verified by a second algorithm that re-calculates the pressure at each node based on the pressure at each connected node minus the pressure loss through the connecting pipe for the given flow result.
When the piping design is solved the solution values are shown on the pipe schematic and the units to be displayed for any particular calculations, such as flows, pressure, friction losses, etc, can be chosen individually. Whether you are in the USA, Europe, Africa or Australia, you can select your local unit of choice for any item.
Users get to see the calculated results on the actual pipe system drawing where the color coding and graphical representation of the piping model gives them an instant visual analysis of their piping design, the flow rates, the pressure losses, and the operating points of their pumps.
Pipes and nodes can be drawn against a color gradient that is specified for a particular calculation, such as the volume of flow in a pipe, the pressure drop in a pipe, the friction loss in a pipe or other results data, making it easy to highlight and instantly see any problem areas.
Pipe Flow Expert takes the pressure out of performing fluid flow calculations, using it's advanced modeling and calculation engine it will solve the steady state balanced condition for the flows and pressures throughout your pipe system.
Some operators may change their pumping pressures and their cycles to accommodate customers or to push more crude through the pipe faster, which generates more fees. Exxon, for example, increased the amount of dilbit flowing through the Pegasus by 50 percent in 2009. To accomplish that without installing larger pipe, Exxon had to send oil through the pipe faster, either by adding pumping stations or increasing the overall operating pressure, or a mix of the two.
The report cited a case that closely mirrors the circumstances of the Pegasus. That incident involved a 1949 Youngstown pipe that fractured even though, like the Pegasus, it was operating well below its maximum stress levels. The pipe had a small hook crack that had survived multiple hydrostatic pressure tests, but it ultimately grew and fractured in part because it was located in the extra brittle seam area.
Specialty Programs:+Culvert design using inlet and outlet control (graph, chart)+Gradually varied flow (M1, M2, S2, S3) graph and table+Inverted siphon for sewer going under river+Hydraulic jump in a pipe+Hydraulic jump horizontal rectangular channel+Critical depth in circular culvert+Bernoulli (pitot tube, dam, sluice gate)+Discharge from a tank (steady state)+Time to empty tank
Specialty Programs:+Bernoulli (pitot tube, pipe leak, pipe expansion/contraction)+Bypass loop+Discharge from a tank (steady state)+Fire hydrant+Force due to pipe bend+Liquid leak rate from pipe crack+Pipe network (12 pipes)+Pressure relief valve sizing+Time to empty tank+Water hammer (enter valve close or opening time)+Water hammer (instantaneous valve closure)
Each network contains over 5000 pipes. The networks can be solved in just a few minutes. FluidFlow3 is capable of modeling shell and tube exchangers as well as plate exchangers, coils, and autoclaves. FluidFlow3 can calculate the volumetric flow rate required to meet this requirement. You could specify flow on either a total volumetric or carrier basis. The predicted flow pattern in this example is in the intermittent area. Select the Whalley Criteria from the Calculation Options dialog. Dynamic scenarios should be considered using a script. However, you can also use the Input Editing capabilities that are available with all versions of modules to create alternate designs.
Many types of fittings and components are common in real piping systems. From the table of common values, we have determined the heat transfer coefficients for each segment of pipe. In this example, the air and sea temperatures are 10degC and five degC respectively. The Beggs-Brill method horizontal flow pattern map is shown in the opposite. This correlation can be applied to all angles of pipe inclination, but it tends to underestimate pressure loss for vertical upward flow. FluidFlow3 calculates the change in vapor quality when the two-phase mixture flows down the pipe. Beggs Brill was the first to use the flow regime.
You can still use a spreadsheet or free pipe sizes to design your pipes networks. These links will help you calculate fluid flow type, flow rate, and friction loss. Fluid flow pressure drop software can reduce the time it takes to design a pipe flow system. It also increases energy efficiency and plant reliability.
Fluid flow software sbw Systems Biology Workbench v. Size pipes, fans, compressors, and valves in just a few clicks. This is for liquids, gases, two-phase, slurry, or other non-newtonian fluids. FluidFlow3is an integrated software that allows for the design, calculation, and optimization of piping systems. It supports liquids, gases, and slurries as well as non-Newtonian fluids.
Pipe flow software to calculate pipe pressure drop and flow rates. Fluid flow software for hydraulic calculation posted by industrial professionals. Mar 21, 2016, the sizing and dimensioning of process pipes is an important task in plant design.
FluidFlow3 employs the extended method. This method is not recommended for vertical upflow as it underestimates pressure loss. The curve to the right shows how gas density changes as we move down this pipe. This illustrates the importance of using a proper calculation method. Imagine the error you would make if density were assumed to be constant. 2ff7e9595c